Summer Fever

Chicken Salad

Summer's in full swing! The hot days are here and we're loving it!

Speaking of Summer Fever, have you been drinking enough water? Make sure you're staying hydrated! As the temperatures rise ensuring that you're getting enough to drink is important whether you're playing sports, training, sitting outside in the sun, or travelling. Your body is a superhero and by keeping your body hydrated, you are acting as it's sidekick! If your body is hydrated, it is easier for your heart to pump blood through the blood vessels to your muscles. Plus, hydration helps your muscles to remove waste so they can work more efficiently! Be the Robin to your body's Batman!

Rank Tests are next week Gibson Soldiers! July 14th is the day! You've only got a couple more days to come in to train as much as possible before then! Remember that Open Time is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12-1pm.

Gibson Health Tip: Have you tried one of our delicious salads? Salads are great since they're low in calories, but at the same time pack a powerful punch helping your body to be the Superhero it wants to be! Each type of leafy green offers different healthy benefits. For example, dark green lettuce, kale, and spinach are full of vitamins A, C, E, and K. All of these vitamins together combine to support your immune system, protect your bones, and keep yor cardiovascular sysem healthy. Plus, leafy greans are low in calories, but packed with fiber! This means that you'll feel satisfied with fewer calories! We also love to include walnuts, carrots, cucumber, avocado, and, of course, tomatoes in our salads since red vegetables contain the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Try one of our salads today! We can also add chicken, egg, or tuna. Don't forget to ask us about our special Gibson dressing!